Map out your 52-week content and promotion plan…

…then ‘fill-in-the-blanks’ each month to quickly create content that converts and attracts your ideal clients.

Nina Cuellar-Barry

"Your workshop was a great investment!

Coaching is your calling. Now you need a proven way to attract paying clients.

Can you relate to any of these?

It's uber challenging to create engaging content consistently

You know you need to create engaging and helpful content to attract your ideal clients, but it seems like week after week you’re struggling to come up with ideas.

You’re tired of scrambling to create content the morning you’re supposed to hit publish.

You’ve had other things on your plate and now it’s time to hit publish on your content. But you don’t have any idea what you’re going to say.

You’re not creating the consistent content that brings in people who know, like, and trust you.

You know you should be creating content at least once per week, but you’re not doing it. You’re ignoring your community, which also means that your community is ignoring you.


You want to attract your ideal clients so you can help them transform their lives — without feeling like you’re always rushing when it comes to creating engaging content

Here’s a crazy question for you:

What if you were way ahead of the game when it came to content creation — and consistently attracting clients because of it?

Think it’s too good to be true?
Get ready because I’m about to how you exactly how.

Here’s the deal with creating engaging content that pulls people in and gets them wanting more from you

People are busy.

If they’re not hearing from you on the regular, they’ll forget who you are.

People aren’t always ready for coaching when you’re ready to coach them.

You need to stay top of mind so that when someone is ready for your exact brand of coaching, you’re the one they think of.

People don’t hire coaches who show up sporadically.

It shows them that they can’t trust you. Consistent content shows them that you’re trustworthy.

... and that’s where the 12x5x7 Content Method comes in.

You’ll have an entire year's worth of content planned out in just a few hours. No more last-minute scrambling to figure out what to write.

And the best part?

You build trust and rapport with your ideal clients so they hire YOU, not another coach.


Plan your promotions purposefully throughout the year


Add in strategic content that builds rapport and trust and inspires your ideal clients to sign up


Support your content and promotions with engaging social media posts


When you plan out your content in the right way, you make creating that content a whole lot easier. Saving you many hours each week and ensuring you never have to scramble again.

With a fully mapped out content plan for an entire year, you have more time doing what you love.

It will also allow me to build content to point toward the offers that is still valuable on its own

I decided to invest in the workshop because I wanted to get my content scheduled so I could work on it and have it done ahead of time.

After the workshop, I now have a better understanding of how to structure the content around my offers and how to use goals to make my posts and content meaningful to readers.

It will help me organize my offers for the year so that they make sense and I know what is coming up. It will also allow me to build content to point toward the offers that is still valuable on its own.

Robin Henry

Professional Book Coach


Map out your 52-week content and promotion plan…

…then ‘fill-in-the-blanks’ each month to quickly create content that converts and attracts your ideal clients.

Here’s everything that’s included…

  • A proven, reusable system for planning content that converts
  • The 12x5x7 Content Method Cheatsheet. A ready-to-go checklist you can use over and over again to quickly plan new content ($47 value)
  • A customizable content calendar system that integrates seamlessly into your schedule and keeps you super organized ($247 value)
  • The “Quick & Easy Content Generator Tool” that gives you over 80 content topics to choose from ($47 value)
  • My top recommended apps and tools to speed up your content creation
  • BONUS 1: Develop Your System to Write The Content ($97 value)
  • BONUS 2: Mini-Course: Repurpose Your Content Step-By-Step ($97 value)
  • BONUS 3: 350+ headline formulas to easily create headlines that capture attention ($97 value)
  • BONUS 4: Use ChatGPT + Canva to create a year’s worth of social media posts in less than an hour ($97 value)

Today's price: just $147

30-Day “Love It or Leave It” 100% Money-Back Guarantee

If you’re not satisfied with the 12x5x7 Content Method workshop for whatever reason, you're covered by my 30-day 100% money back guarantee. No questions. No hassles.

Here's exactly what we cover during the 12x5x7 Content Method...

Part 1

What dates to decide on first and why

Part 2

Mapping out your “promotional” content

Part 3

Adding in your pre-launch content. What it is and how it adds anticipation for your promotional content

Part 4

What you should do after your promotion. Hint: it shouldn’t just end

Part 5

Creating value-based content to fill in the weeks around your promotions. Why it’s important to start with categories

Part 6 & 7

Using headline formulas to come up with more than enough creative ideas for your content

Part 8

Using the 5 goals of social media content to create daily social media posts

Part 9

How to keep the momentum going

Everything you need to map out your content year after year, so you never have to wonder “What will I write about today?”

What about actually writing the content?

I get it. I’ve been there. It’s hard to actually write the content once you’ve got it mapped out. That’s why I created bonus #1...


In this mini-course I guide you through how to easily create a content writing workflow that works for you and your lifestyle — so you’ll stick with it! No more feeling bad because you know you “should” be writing. You write when it works best for you.

What do I do with the content I’ve already written?

If you’ve been creating content for a while, my guess is you want to make the most use of it. And why not? That’s why I created…


In this bonus I guide you through how to repurpose your content so all of your hard work doesn't go to waste. The best part? You can have that content work for you for years to come.

What if I run out of ideas?

I understand this one as well. That’s why I’m sharing bonus #3 with you…


With over 350 headlines to use for inspiration, you will have no end to the ideas they will generate. Think of it as your secret source for idea inspiration any time you need it. Bonus? You'll actually have the headline already written. Nice!

Thank you for walking us through this method and including the post ideas and headline builder. Those are resources I will use again and again.

Before joining the workshop I would get overwhelmed trying to organize what to post and where, and I wanted a system to alleviate that struggle.

After taking the workshop, I won't be guessing about what content to post, and I hope that translates into less stress. I liked that we had time to carry out the steps during the workshop. I didn't get my entire calendar planned during that time, but I have a good chunk of it figured out.

Thank you for walking us through this method and including the post ideas and headline builder. Those are resources I will use again and again.

Sharon Hughson

Author | Coach | Editor

Mapping out my strategic content plan and following a proven content creation system has kept me top of mind with my community and helped me build a six-figure business.

About five years ago, I had a little over 1500 people on my email list.

Cool, right?

Except there was one problem. I ignored that list for months at a time. And when I finally did email them, they would unsubscribe like crazy because they forgot who I was.

And worse, many of them hit that “this is spam” button.

Not a great way to build a relationship with my community.

The good news is that I figured out a system I could use to map out my promotional and value-based content for the year, so I could actually feel in control of the content marketing part of my business.

Not only did I feel more in control, I finally had control.

I freed up a ton more time to create leverage in my business. I created programs and workshops (like this one!) that help my clients and customers 24/7 without feeling like I’m an overworked employee of my own business.

I’ve been able to connect, coach, and teach the people in my community consistently. While making offers for my coaching and courses on a regular basis.

Which, in turn, helped me grow my business to the six figure mark.

Because I was able to build the trust and rapport that is essential to having people reach out and say, “I need your help!”

Still have questions? Great! Because I’ve got some answers…

How much time will it take to map out my plan?

Most people have been able to map out an entire year’s worth of content in about 2-4 hours. The 12x5x7 Content Method is designed so you map out a crystal clear plan that makes it easy and fast for you to implement each month. Especially compared to how most coaches approach content - the “oh shoot I need to publish something today” scramble.

How long do I have access to the workshop?

After enrolling, you have lifetime access to the workshop, the accompanying materials, and all three bonuses. Feel free to work through everything at your own pace.

What if I decide it’s not right for me?

The only way to truly know for certain that this is for you, is to give it a try! That’s why you’re covered by my 30-day 100% money back guarantee. You have a full 30 days to try it out risk-free. And if you're unhappy for any reason, just reach out and I’ll give you a full refund.

Still have questions?

No problem. Just email us at We’re here to help!

In a nutshell, here’s what a mapped out content plan can do for you and your coaching biz…

Feeling light and free as you realize you’re no longer stressed and wondering “What do I share today?”

Attracting new clients and growing your business with a blend of promotional and value-based content

Feeling like a real business owner because you have an actual strategy behind what you share and when you share it

Here’s everything that’s included…

  • A proven, reusable system for planning content that converts
  • The 12x5x7 Content Method Cheatsheet. A ready-to-go checklist you can use over and over again to quickly plan new content ($47 value)
  • A customizable content calendar system that integrates seamlessly into your schedule and keeps you super organized ($247 value)
  • The “Quick & Easy Content Generator Tool” that gives you over 80 content topics to choose from ($47 value)
  • My top recommended apps and tools to speed up your content creation
  • BONUS 1: Develop Your System to Write The Content ($97 value)
  • BONUS 2: Mini-Course: Repurpose Your Content Step-By-Step ($97 value)
  • BONUS 3: 350+ headline formulas to easily create headlines that capture attention ($97 value)
  • BONUS 4: Use ChatGPT + Canva to create a year’s worth of social media posts in less than an hour ($97 value)

Today's price: just $147

30-Day “Love It or Leave It” 100% Money-Back Guarantee

If you’re not satisfied with the 12x5x7 Content Method workshop for whatever reason, you're covered by my 30-day 100% money back guarantee. No questions. No hassles.