Write Copy & Get Clients

In under 2 hours I'll have you writing copy so powerful & persuasive that clients "YES PLEASE" to your programs

Does this sound like you?

"Just once, I want to write a sales page or an email that converts. I see other people do it, but it's a mystery to me. I don't know how to write so that people sign up."

"I'm not sure what about what I do is most interesting and useful to people, so I don't know what to focus on. I'm not sure how to align what I offer with what my audience really needs."

"I wish I could find the right words that pierce the heart and get into the heads of my audience."

"I doubt myself. I want people to see me in my writing, understand the potential I have to help them."

"I want my words to connect with my ideal client and show her how perfect I am for her and how much I could help her."

"I struggle with getting started, knowing what/how much to say."

"It just takes me way too much time to write."

If so, you probably know that attracting clients and having a successful online business requires a whole lot of these:


More specifically, the right words.

Because with the rights words...

  • Your potential clients immediately understand why they need to hire you, like, yesterday
  • You stand out and gain the attention of clients who are happy to invest in you – and who you will love coaching
  • Clients sell themselves without you ever feeling pushy or "sales-y" (goodbye uncomfortable enrollment calls!)

And the secret to using words that

attract coaching clients you love?


But not the old, outdated kind that feels pushy or sleazy. The old way doesn't work for coaches like me and you. Instead…

You want to write good copy that:

  • Communicates your value in a clear and compelling way
  • Lets you be your amazing, authentic, coach-y self
  • Captivates your readers and keeps them reading all the way until they sign up and buy

Copywriting is the MUST-HAVE SKILL for coaches who want to make a real impact – and the income to go with it

You can't coach people who never sign up, right?

When you know how to write compelling copy, you'll have the superpower that attracts clients. You'll know how to communicate your message in a way that stands out in the noisy online world and gets clients to say yes to you and your programs.

Without this skill, it's so much harder to have a thriving business. You can spend hours and hours on marketing and not see any results.

Compelling copy is how you get people to open up their hearts and minds and see how much they need you.

And the best way to learn how to write copy so good you never again worry about getting clients?


The Coach's Copy Course

Write powerful & persuasive copy that wins clients & makes sales, guaranteed.

The Coach's Copy Course is designed specifically for coaches to quickly have you writing in a way that sounds like you AND drives real, profitable results.

By the end of this program you'll be able to…

Write faster

without stressing over every word with a library of proven formulas and templates that remove the pressure and guesswork.

Inspire action

with copy that gets clients to say yes while staying true to your authentic, helpful, coach-y self (i.e. what you're already naturally good at).

Stand out

with clear and compelling copy that sounds distinctively you and leaps off the page to pull readers in.

Write with confidence

using proven tools to easily overcome the dreaded "what do I write?" dilemma.

But above all else…

The Coach's Copy Course will give you the confidence to be your awesome, authentic, coach-y self while knowing that every word you write persuades clients to sign up for your discovery calls, coaching programs, courses, and more.

Here's What's Inside the Coach's Copy Course

The Coach's Copy Course consists of five modules designed to make you a coach who can write words that connect and drive real-world results.


Create Your Client Attraction Toolbox

First, we'll cover the essential strategies and techniques that ensure copywriting success before you ever put pen to paper.


  • Why you’re just 5 simple mindset shifts away from unlocking more persuasive and powerful copy
  • How to have your copy virtually write itself when you use my “3x2 Framework”
  • The two most common types of writing you’ll do and why you need to understand the difference between them
  • How little-known coaches are able to stand out and become the go-to expert in the most crowded niches like health and business
  • How to ethically “spy” on your future clients so you know exactly what to say to get them to sign up for your coaching
  • The surprising “open secret” shared in copywriters’ inner circles that lets them write 10x faster than everyone else
  • The absolute best way I’ve ever discovered to write like your real, awesome, coach-y self so you come across as authentic yet authoritative


Write Thumb-Stopping Copy That Grips Your Readers and Inspires Them to Take Action

You'll discover how to use stories to evoke powerful emotions in your readers and build trust quickly.


  • My 12 Rules for writing powerful & persuasive copy that resonates with your reader
  • The ‘radar detector’ pro copywriters use to figure out why copy isn’t working – and how you can use it to shift your copy quickly so you immediately grip your reader and pull them down the page
  • How to eliminate messy writing and ensure everything you publish is clear and compelling using my “One Paragraph Clarity Formula”
  • My 13 best tips + 1 amazing resource for writing engaging and crystal clear copy your audience will LOVE to read


How To Dramatically Speed Up Your Writing

You can write fast and enjoy writing. I'll show you how with my top shortcuts.


  • The super fast and easy-to-remember “Swiss Army Knife” copy formula that’s perfect for coaches who want to stop overthinking and just get it done (you can use this for everything from emails and blog posts to sales pages and social media and beyond)
  • The legendary copywriting formula that’s sold everything from horses to haircare – and my unique take on it to write copy that resonates and fills your coaching programs
  • The four core cognitive stages your copy must move readers through to get them to take action (you MUST understand this if you want prospective clients to schedule a call with you)
  • My 3-step formula to frame your testimonials for maximum impact (without this your reader will give even glowing praise a lukewarm response)
  • The 5% of your copy that drives 90% of your results – and why spending too little time here dooms your results
  • How to get your prospective clients to click on your email links, buy buttons, and sign up forms
  • What word you should NEVER use on your most important webpages (and what to use instead)


Publish Your Copy with Confidence

Use this proven process to polish your copy so it's ready for primetime.


  • Stop! Before you write any piece of copy, answer these two types of questions (or don’t and face the consequences)
  • Use my two ‘Jumpstart Copy Methods’ to quickly go from confusion to completed copy
  • How to “sweep” your copy so it’s polished and ready for primetime
  • Keep this checklist by your computer every time you sit down to write (your readers will thank you)


Next Level Copywriting for Coaches

Get advanced formulas and strategies for writing nuanced copy that moves your reader from "never heard of you" to "I NEED you now!"


  • The advanced strategy to strategically and smoothly guide your prospective clients from “who are you?” to “how can I hire you?” (get this right and you’ll never worry about getting clients again)
  • The copywriting formula that makes email sequences a no brainer
  • The 4 buyer personas (understand how to write for each and take your copy to the next level)
  • My favorite marketing hack to always have fresh ideas to pull from

What makes The Coach's Copy Course different?

99% of copywriting trainings available today were not created for coaches.

In fact, the vast majority were made for people looking to make a career out of copywriting. Not coaches like you who need to write copy for your own business. Which means they're crammed full of stuff you don't need.

Even worse, those other trainings encourage you to use techniques that can feel salesy and uncomfortable.

Instead, this course was created for coaches, by a coach. We have a unique way of looking at the world and we need to know how to write copy in a way that works for us.

That's exactly why I created The Coach's Copy Course. So you'll have everything you need to write powerful and persuasive copy that also lets your warm-hearted and caring self shine through.

Plus, Get These Bonuses FREE When You Join

Niche Articulation System


Strong copy comes from knowing EXACTLY who you’re talking to - which is exactly what the ‘Niche Articulator System’ helps you do.

You’ll pick a niche you love and figure out how to stand out within it. Plus, how and where to find what your niche is saying so you can ‘mirror’ their words in your marketing (a secret shortcut to writing powerfully persuasive copy!)

FREEIncluded with The Coach's Copy Course!

Persuasive Power Phrases


Good copywriting is chock full of powerful phrases that compel readers to keep reading and take action.

You can pull out this list of power phrases any time you need to give your copy a "persuasion boost."

FREEIncluded with The Coach's Copy Course!

The Ultimate Collection of Headline Formulas


300+ Headline formulas so you're never stuck again!

A compelling headline or subject line is one of the most important elements of writing persuasive copy. Because if your headline or subject line sucks, your peeps aren't going to read further. They'll just move on.

These headline formulas will help you get them to read down the page or open your email. And you'll never have to write a headline from scratch!

FREEIncluded with The Coach's Copy Course!

How I use AI to Power My Idea and Content Generation


Some people think AI is going to ruin our lives and others don't want to have anything to do with it. For me personally, I've developed a way to use AI that helps me come up with ideas faster, easier, and with a lot less stress. In this bonus, I share with you my best tips and strategies so you can get the most out of AI without feeling like you're cheating.

FREEIncluded with The Coach's Copy Course!

Website in a Weekend


“Website in a Weekend” is a fast-action guide you can peruse with your morning coffee — and implement before lunch.

Imagine having your website working around the clock, 24/7 as your business’s best salesperson. Welcoming visitors, showing them around, helping them understand why they need you, and guiding them to book a call with you.

In just one weekend, you’ll have all of the copy for the two most important pages on your site done and dusted (and that’s if you take it slow).

FREEIncluded with The Coach's Copy Course!

Everything You Get Today...

The Complete Coach's Copy Course


Bonus #1: Niche Articulation System


Bonus #2: Persuasive Power Phrases


Bonus #3: The Ultimate Collection of Headline Formulas


Bonus #4: My Private Collection of Curated Swipe Copy


Bonus #5: How I use AI to Power My Idea and Content Generation


Bonus #6: Website in a Weekend




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You're Protected By My "LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT" 100% Money-Back Guarantee

I'm confident that the Coach's Copy Course is what coaches need to write authentic, heart-centered, and persuasive copy. However, if you're on the fence, then I want to give you every chance to try everything with absolute confidence. That's why I'm giving you a full 30 days to go through the program, watch the videos. And use the worksheets, formulas, cheatsheets, and checklists, and experience for yourself how amazing it feels to have the clarity and confidence to write copy for your business.

If you feel like I didn't deliver on my promise or are unhappy for any reason, simply send me a one-line email and I'll give you a prompt and courteous refund. No questions asked, and no hassles.

What Others Say About Selena & Her Programs

About Selena

I started my coaching career writing like "an old college professor" as my son, the marketing expert, used to tell me. Which completely made sense, considering I had spent several years working on my doctorate, learning how to write for scholarly publications.

It took me a few years to unlearn that kind of writing and start writing in a way that connects with my readers.

I tell you this because copywriting is a skill you can learn. It's not about talent. You don't have to be born a genius copywriter. I'm proof.

I learned how to connect, build rapport, and show my expertise in a way that feels natural and authentic. I really see my copywriting as an extension of my coaching -- a way to connect and coach. And I want to help you to do the same.

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You're Protected By My "LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT" 100% Money-Back Guarantee

I'm confident that the Coach's Copy Course is what coaches need to write authentic, heart-centered, and persuasive copy. However, if you're on the fence, then I want to give you every chance to try everything with absolute confidence. That's why I'm giving you a full 30 days to go through the program, watch the videos. And use the worksheets, formulas, cheatsheets, and checklists, and experience for yourself how amazing it feels to have the clarity and confidence to write copy for your business.

If you feel like I didn't deliver on my promise or are unhappy for any reason, simply send me a one-line email and I'll give you a prompt and courteous refund. No questions asked, and no hassles.

Save yourself the thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours I've spent to learn this

I've spent well over $2,000 on copywriting courses and books alone. While much of it was helpful, I still had to develop a way to write that felt good to my coach-y self. See, I didn't want to start a potential coaching relationship out on the wrong foot.

And a lot of what I was learning was stuff I would NEVER say to a potential client in person.

Words like prospect, tribe, funnel, and lead magnet are just so unappealing to us coaches, don't you think?

So, now I use words like potential client, community, journey, and freebie giveaway instead. And it feels so much better.

And I've been able to take this approach with ALL my copywriting.

Ready to get started writing authentic, non-salesy, heart-centered copy?



First, the easy answer...

You have lifetime access to this course so you can go through it whenever you're ready.

Second, the harder "tough love" answer...

If you are focused on trying to attract coaching clients at this time, then now is the right time for this course.

Copywriting is the #1 marketing skill you need for a successful business, and it's the #2 skill in your business overall. Only second to coaching.

So, if you are serious about growing a successful coaching business, then I urge you to focus on your copywriting skills, whether it's this course or something else.


I've got you covered there. Because I understand how helpful it can be to have an expert look at your writing, I have an option to invest in a 45-minute call with me. Just reach out to us at clientsuccess@coachinggeniusquiz.com and let the team know you want a copy call.

Here's how it works...

  • Once we receive your email, we'll send you a link to schedule and pay for your call.
  • Send me the writing that you would like me to review 24 hours before our call (links or file attachments both work)
  • I'll review your materials before the call and take notes.
  • On the call, we'll go over my notes and you can ask me any questions you'd like
  • After the call, I'll send you an email with the link to the recording of our call, so you can review it at your convenience.

Personally, I think the name says it all...

The Coach's Copy Course

Not the Copywriter's Copy Course or the Freelancer's Copy Course.

This course was developed by a coach for coaches.

Someone who understands the nuances of running a successful coaching practice. Who has attracted hundreds of clients over the past few years. And, most importantly, understands how writing persuasive copy plays a huge role in making the sales process so much easier.

This course is solely focused on helping coaches learn copy strategies that can help them talk to and connect with their ideal community.


If you still have questions after reading through this page, feel free to reach out by replying to the email that directed you to visit this page. I'll get back to you ASAP.

One final note…

I created the Coach's Copy Course with love knowing that so many coaches struggle with writing heart-centered and persuasive copy.

Writing powerful and persuasive copy is a critical skill you need to attract your ideal clients, grow your business, and make an impact that only you can.

I look forward to seeing you inside The Coach's Copy Course!

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You're Protected By My "LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT" 100% Money-Back Guarantee

I'm confident that the Coach's Copy Course is what coaches need to write authentic, heart-centered, and persuasive copy. However, if you're on the fence, then I want to give you every chance to try everything with absolute confidence. That's why I'm giving you a full 30 days to go through the program, watch the videos. And use the worksheets, formulas, cheatsheets, and checklists, and experience for yourself how amazing it feels to have the clarity and confidence to write copy for your business.

If you feel like I didn't deliver on my promise or are unhappy for any reason, simply send me a one-line email and I'll give you a prompt and courteous refund. No questions asked, and no hassles.