A private, guided implementation day for coaches:

Accomplish more in one day than most coaches get done all year

Stop wasting time on distractions. Start getting your business dialed in with a personalized implementation experience that makes a difference now.

100% Done Guarantee

“Dr. Selena delivers on her promises of ‘where you’ll make more progress in just one day than most coaches make in an entire year’ and then some!”

Joyce King, Career Coach

You've poured your heart & soul into your business.

Yet it’s not where it should be.

You don’t have enough clients. You’re not making enough money. You’re not creating the impact you could be.

At least — not yet.

Because more than likely, one of these is blocking you:

  • Stuck on your niche
  • Blending in to the sea of coaches
  • Potential clients don’t “get” what you do
  • Not knowing which move you should make next
  • Working too many hours for too few results
  • Can’t escape the income rollercoaster
  • Not being seen by the right people

Whatever your current challenge, my genius lies in helping you get the business side of things dialed in — so you can focus on the coaching side (you know, the main reason you got into this business).

So if you KNOW you want a real, profitable, easy-feeling coaching business, but for some reason it’s still feeling like a struggle…

You’re in the right place.


The “Done in a Day” VIP Experience

I create a custom action plan tailored to what you need most right now to thrive. Then in one focused implementation day we get it done together so you make a giant leap forward in your business — guaranteed.

100% Done Guarantee

Without VIP

It gets done “someday” (maybe)

With VIP

It gets done NOW.

“Selena was amazing to work with. She answered all of my questions, provided me with compelling copy, and gave so much value in one day!

It was great to get out of my head and have a clearly laid out plan with copy to help me create what I needed. If you're feeling overwhelmed about your copy, how to get your e-mail list or website to feel compelling, or support on defining your offer stack, take the time to book a VIP call with Selena. She will help you figure out everything you need!”

Jossie Haines, Leadership Coach

Coaches are shocked by how much we get done during our short & super-focused time together

Because in just one day we cross the most important project off your to-do list. The one that will make the greatest difference to your income and impact.


Here are a few popular options from past VIP Experiences:


Create a coaching package that sells

so you fill up your programs and feel confident charging a premium


Nail your perfect-fit niche

so you always know exactly who your ideal client is and where to find them


Design a simple client journey

so you continually turn potential clients into paying clients


Upgrade your enrollment process

so you sign up more clients for more money (without feeling weird or sleazy)


Create a client attraction plan

so you know what to do every day, week, and month to keep your client roster full

Don’t worry if you’re not sure which is best for you right now.

I’ll help you decide where we focus when I create our custom action plan.

100% Done Guarantee

If you show up for your VIP Experience, follow my guidance, and implement your custom plan, I guarantee we’ll complete at least one major project that will have a meaningful impact on your business. And if we don’t? I promise to work with you until it’s done.

How it works


After booking, you’ll choose your date and complete a short questionnaire. Then we’ll hop on a quick call to prepare for our full day together.


Based on your responses, I create a custom plan that’s aligned with who you are and what you need most right now for your business to thrive.


You join me for your one day VIP Experience and I guide you through a focused process that ensures that by the end you’ve made a giant leap forward in your business.

Secure your date today and get ready to pop that champagne and celebrate!



Limited spaces available.

Is a VIP Experience Right for You?

This transformative day is perfect for:

  • New coaches struggling to get their first paying clients
  • Experienced coaches hitting a plateau in their growth
  • Coaches transitioning from 1:1 to group programs or online courses
  • Seasoned coaches looking to scale beyond 6-figures

If you're committed to your coaching business but feel stuck, overwhelmed, or ready for a breakthrough, a VIP Experience is for you.


Have a question before booking?

How should I prepare for my VIP Experience?

After you book your experience, you’ll choose the date for the big day, and complete a short questionnaire. Then, before your full-day VIP Experience, we’ll hop on a quick call to prepare for our time together.

Based on your responses, I create a custom plan that’s aligned with who you are and what you need most right now for your business to thrive.

Then, you just show up on the day and I guide you through implementing your custom action plan. So that by the end you’ve made a giant leap forward in your business, guaranteed.

Who is this for?

A VIP Experience is for new and experienced coaches who want to boost their income, create more impact, and enjoy more time freedom in their business. It’s perfect for you if you’re ready for results in your business NOW and you don’t want to waste months on distractions or figuring everything out yourself.

Who is this not for?

Here’s short list of ways to know that you wouldn’t find value from a VIP Experience:

  • You’ve read the VIP Experience menu and none of the options appeal
  • You don’t want to put yourself out there or do any marketing
  • You’re not motivated to earn more money
  • You expect clients to just come to you without any work

If you answered yes to any of the above, a VIP Experience is not for you.

Otherwise, I strongly consider booking your VIP Experience. I’m confident you’re going to love it.

What if I still have questions?

No problem! Just email me or book a call.

450+ coaches have already gotten my support. Are you next?

If you know you’re ready for a coaching business that’s easier to operate, makes more money, and creates more impact — this is for you.

It’s time to say goodbye to distractions. Now’s your chance to get your business dialed in with a personalized implementation experience that truly makes a difference NOW (not months or years from now).

Because if you’re like me and the hundreds of coaches I’ve supported over the last decade, there’s one piece in your business that’s holding you back from where you know you should be. I’m going to help you find the block, fix it, and get you moving forward.

Sure, you could take your chances and potentially waste thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours on figuring it out yourself. But why? Especially now when you have me available at your fingertips.

Book your VIP Experience today and let’s get you where you want to go.

Dr. Selena Tramayne

Secure your VIP Experience now



Limited spaces available.

Still not sure if this is a good fit for you?

Book a call and let’s chat!

© 2024. The Tramayne Group. tramayne.com